β–ͺ️Earn With Staking

The Process

Staking on BaseHaven is straightforward and user-friendly, allowing even beginners to participate easily. Here’s how you can get started:

Connect Your Wallet

Begin by connecting your digital wallet to BaseHaven. This will grant you access to stake or view your currently staked assets.

Select a Staking Pool

Explore the staking pools to find one that suits your investment goals. Consider the assets you can stake, the reward options, and the required staking duration.

Choose Your Stake

Once you’ve chosen your pool, enter the amount you want to stake and confirm your selection. From this point, everything is automated. Your assets will be locked in the pool for the set duration, and you will earn rewards which can be claimed based on the terms.

Manage Your Investments

At any time after staking, you can view your active stakes by clicking on the "Staking Centre" button. This section provides you with detailed information about your staked assets, accumulated rewards, and an overall management center for your stake.

Last updated