✨Fee Structure

Understand BaseHaven's fees for trading, staking, and more.

Fee Structure Overview

At BaseHaven, we are committed to providing a transparent and straightforward approach to our fee structure. Understanding fees is crucial for effective financial planning and optimizing your transactions on our platform. This overview is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the different types of fees associated with our services, including trading, staking, withdrawals, and the use of special services like our NFT marketplace and cross-chain transfers.We believe in empowering our users with clear information to make informed decisions without any surprises. As you navigate through the following sections, you will find detailed explanations of our fee policies for various activities.​​

Transaction Tax:

Buy: 3%

Sell 3%

Our transaction tax is applied to every buy and sell, 1% going to LP, 2% going to marketing. As BaseHaven releases new products and revenue enhances, tax will be permanently removed.

Decentralised Exchange

When placing trades on the BaseHaven decentralised Exchange, the following fees apply:

  • 0.15% of every transaction

This fee gets distributed as either revenue share or buyback and burn of the $Haven token, depending on the DAO monthly voting.​

Cross Chain Bridge

When using BaseHaven's cross-chain bridge, the following fees apply:

  • Centralised Bridge: 0.75%

  • Decentralised Bridge: 1.25%


NFT Marketplace Fees (Coming soon):

The NFT Marketplace fees are designed to be affordable and contract-optimized, allowing NFT creators to mint individual and collections at competitive prices.

  • Mint NFT: FREE

  • Sell NFT: 2.5%

Last updated